

Plotics play an essential role in the country development, but without having free access to information and ideas and not being able to express our views freely, we won’t be able to exercise our rights to vote effectively, and of public participation in decision-making. It’s time to Have enough knowledge in this field regardless of...
ILCS has launched a platform that connects between employers and interns both locally and internationally. The platform is called INTERNSHIP IN MOROCCO BY ILCS. Internship in Morocco by ILCS  is intended to match between young skilled students looking for internships and Moroccan companies. The goal behind Internship in Morocco by ILCS is to facilitate and help the...
Institute for Leadership and Communication Studies is in quarantine. All its staff teachers and students migrated to virtual communication. ILCS is very committed to limiting the spread of the virus according to the official measures that ILCS welcomes. In order to ensure the continuity of the students teaching activities, ILCS continues to use the working...
Dear students, Further to the decision of the Ministry of National Education, Professional Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research to close all the schools and institutions from Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice, we would like to inform all ILCS local and international students that classroom teaching activities are suspended. In order to ensure...
Let’s meet on Thursday 19th, March at 5:00 p.m. in the ILCS cafeteria to watch the film “L’ECOLE POUR TOUS”. The session will be followed by a discussion moderated by Mr Houssame Ouazzani. We count on your presence!
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